The traditional 5 Lakes Run is a 24.3 kilometer run, mostly between the morainic hill woods North of Ivrea, where you will find the five morainic lakes (Lake Sirio, Lake San Michele, Lake Pistono, Lake Nero and Cascinette Lake) that give the event its name.

The characteristics of this route make this race unique in its genre: approximately 3 kilometers of city run and then 21 kilometers of pathway that is completely immersed in nature and in the green morainic hills, partially on paved roads and partially on dirt paths, reaching the municipalities of Montalto Dora, Borgofrancod’Ivrea, Chiaverano and Cascinetted’Ivrea to then return to Ivrea.

The road pavement is varied: paved sections alternate with other hilly pathways; even the slope is extremely variable: sections of flat areas, seemingly flat areas, difficult sudden ascents and descents that are steep and fast.

For information: Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica G.S.AVIS IVREA

Via dei Cappuccini 16, 10015 Ivrea (To)


Città di Ivrea - - Partita IVA 00519320014