Santa Maria Church

The church, located on an embarkment that dominates the plane, is delimited by the remains of a Medieval era stone city wall. The current building is the result of radical transformations completed in the 18th and 19th Centuries; only a portion of the inside wall remains of the Romanesque building, presenting a fragment of a fresco from the 15th Century representing the Virgin Mary and Saint Caterina. Intact in its Romanesque forms instead is the beautiful bell tower made in local stone, its origins can be placed at the end of the XI Century. The body is divided into six floors, with a regular succession of slots, single and double mullioned windows and two rows of triple mullioned windows all around, starting from the bottom, enclosed by sections crowned by hanged arches. The capitals of the double and triple mullioned windows are held up by stone columns, some of them decorated at the ends with simple incisions.



Città di Ivrea - - Partita IVA 00519320014