Olivetti study and experiences centre

Eduardo Vittoria (1951 - 1855)

The map of this building shows four asymmetric structures that come off a central body containing a staircase. The façades have an evident chromatic effect thanks to the Klinder blue coating of tiles. The building was extended in 1965 with the project of Ottavio Cascio, and to meet new requirements, also at the end of the last century by the Technical Department of Olivetti. The last intervention was made following the project of Ettore Sottsass Jr (1999-2000) with the opening of the Interaction Design Institute promoted by Olivetti and Telecom Italy withthe Stanford University.

Lear more  http://www.ivreacittaindustriale.it/?lang=en


Città di Ivrea - info.ivrea@turismotorino.org - Partita IVA 00519320014