
Industrial City of the XXth century

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Luigi Figini and Gino Pollini (1939 - 1941)

The Nursery was built during the War, and limitations regarding the use of iron during that period were decisive in determining choices of building materials and the embracement of a single-storey masonry bearing structure with diorite pillars. Classrooms overlooked an interior patio. Furnishingsare still visible, and they were designed by the TechnicalDepartment of the factory,orchestrated, at the time, by Gian Antonio …



Officine ICO (ICO Workshops)

Luigi Figini and Gino Pollini with Annibale Fiocchi, Goffredo Boschetti, Ottavio Cascio, Roberto Guiducci, Marcello Nizzoli (1933 – 1958).A portion of this building was renovated in the year 2006.

The ICO Workshops, constitute one of the world best-known industrial developments of the XXthcentury; they begin with the Red Brick Factory and proceed with the four subsequent enlargements. Designed and built for subsequent enlargements and super elevations on the way …


Olivetti Historical Archive

The Olivetti Historical Archive Association, established in Ivrea in 1998, as an initiative of the Olivetti Company, in covenant with the Adriano Olivetti Foundation and with the participation of important public and private partners, carries out a collection, organisation, preservation, study and promotion activity for the extremely vast archival heritage regarding the history of the Company and personalities from the Olivetti Family. This project continues the …



Olivetti Office Building

Annibale Fiocchi, Marcello Nizzoli, Gian Antonio Bernasconi (1959 - 1964)

The first studies date back between 1952 and 1955. The project was intended as a response to the company's increasing needs to have a headquarter, at a time of great industrial expansion, with a representative office that would have hosted the company's chairmanship.

The building has three structures, each one of which is angled 120 degrees with respect to the others, joined by a central …



Olivetti study and experiences centre

Eduardo Vittoria (1951 - 1855)

The map of this building shows four asymmetric structures that come off a central body containing a staircase. The façades have an evident chromatic effect thanks to the Klinder blue coating of tiles. The building was extended in 1965 with the project of Ottavio Cascio, and to meet new requirements, also at the end of the last century by the Technical Department of Olivetti. The last intervention was made following the project of …



Open Air Museum of Art and Poetry “Giulia Avetta” (MAAP)

The Open Air Museum of Art and Poetry (MAAP) Giulia Avetta was established to raise awareness and appreciation for the poetry sources of this author, so deep and sharp yet little well known. The Museum has a visitor centre with archive documents, books and video that make it possible to relive the life of the poetess and appreciate her creative process. In the open, along the main streets, there are 30 panels exposed that combine poems and images, reminding of her …



P.A. Civic Museum Garda

The antique monastery of Santa Chiara, located in Piazza Ottinetti, in the heart of Ivrea, after years of closing and important restoration work, today it houses the museum, fruit of the city archeological collection and donations of private individuals, which with a renewed set-up, gives back to the city the precious collections of archeology, Oriental art and paintings.

Characterised by periodic rotations of collections, temporary exhibits, publications and …


Parella Castle

The Parella Castle, as we can appreciate it today, is the result of various building phases that followed each other throughout the centuries. 

Initially a shelter and later a fortified barrier to collect tolls during Medieval times, in the renaissance era it was subject to the most important transformation work of Alexy I of the San Martino di Parella House. Thanks to Alessio I in fact the castle lost its military function, it is amplified and enriched with …



Peasant Culture Museum

The ethnographic museum has a rich collection of more than seven-hundred artifacts that testify the life and work of a mountain community. In the rooms artifacts are presented as laboratories, so that the visitor can better understand and remember the activities of the past; one part of the exhibit documents peasant life in Andrate through a collection of photos. In the external equipped park there are agricultural vehicles of the 19th century and early 20th …



Pera Cunca

Released by the Balteo glacier during its withdrawal (approximately 18,000 years ago) has a rounded form and at the centre a large oral cavity. Around it there are dozens of deep cup marks connected by a system of containers, some of them communicating with the central basin.

Based on the must recent publications (*), scholars attribute a cultural function to the rock, this fits quite well with the information know to us related to religious activities of the …



Città di Ivrea - info.ivrea@turismotorino.org - Partita IVA 00519320014