
Industrial City of the XXth century

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Santa Marta Church

The church, built during the second half of the 15h century as desired by the Santa Marta brotherhood, a governing institution established in 1460, it was rebuilt towards the end of the 16th century. 

In 1622, at the right of the entrance, the oratory had already been built where the brothers met on non-work days to recital of the office of the Blessed Virgin Mary and where sacred furnishings and ecclesiastic vestments. Subsequent changes and additions moulded …



Santo Stefano di Sessano Church

The church is what remains of the Sessano village in Chiaverano, located on the rocky promontory East of the town and probably abandoned after a landslide. The building (XI Century) is contemporary with other churches in the area that have in common the peculiarity of the bell tower (clocher-porche) located at the centre of the facade.

The current church is single nave with three spans and end apse where a sacristy was added (at the South) in Baroque era. Outside …



Santo Stefano Tower

The bell tower of Santo Stefano stood next to a Romanesque church and belonged to the abbey complex of Benedictine monks, founded in 1044, dedicated to the protomartyr Stefano and the Holy Saviour. The naming comes from a pre-existing church, located in a sub-urban area, donated by the Benedictine monks, maybe in 1042. During the XI century the Benedictines took advantage of other donations given by the authorities and around the middle of the same century the …



Social Housing of Borgo Olivetti

Luigi Figini and Gino Pollini (1939-1941).

Located on the longer side of the Nursery´s perimeter, it is the first building conceived as part of a larger national building program began by the Fascist Institute for Social Housing, that in the case of Ivrea, witnessed the active participation of Olivetti.

Lear more  http://www.ivreacittaindustriale.it/?lang=en



Social Service Centre

Luigi Figini and Gino Pollini (1954-1959) with Roberto Guiducci and Paolo Radogna UPECC.

The Social ServiceCentre project is the result of the personal experimentation of Figini and Pollini with organic architectural designs. Albeit still of a rationalist origin. It is clear in the building the use of geometrical shapes such as the hexagon and the triangle. Originally, it was home to the library, the social and welfare services, the Infirmary, the Olivetti Child- …




The Synagogue is in the historical centre of Ivrea, under the castle walls, where the Jewish ghetto was officially instituted in 1725. The current building from the 19th century was obtained by adapting a pre-existent structure, it has two anonymous facades, East towards via Peana and West on Via Quattro Martiri, that camouflage themselves perfectly in the urban fabric, not making it possible to identify the existence of a place of prayer from the outside. Even the …



Tecnologic@mente Laboratory-Museum

The Tecnologic@mente Laboratory Museum is showcased as an area dedicated to knowledge of technologies and, in particular, a space for discovering creative processes at the base of industrial production. Inside it is possible to visit the collection of machines that allowed the company from Ivrea to reach worldwide leadership in the mechanics and electronics sector.  The permanent exhibit is divided into various sections. The writing Section is dedicated to Camillo …



The Ice Footprint Ecomuseum

The ecomuseum, dedicated to the geological and naturalistic characteristics of the Morainic Amphitheatre of Ivrea, consists of an observational panoramic itinerary along the Masino hill and an exhibition on this theme. Within the antique Town hall, the permanent exhibition accompanies the visitor to discover the territory through video installations, informative panels, photographs, maps and a scale model of the area.



The Santa Maria Assunta Cathedral

The Santa Maria cathedral, with is thousand year history, is without a doubt the most important place of worship of the Ivrea city, built in a relevant position, where it is hypothesised the roman acropolis was. The most antique part of the crypt, of carolingian influence, it is characterised by a ring shape, with typical cross-shaped vaults supported by thin columns and half conical capitals. The most recent part of the crypt (XII and XIII century) is …



Thermal plant

Eduardo Vittoria (1955 - 1959)

The building was placed on a podium so to counterbalance the unevenness of the road. It consists of three buildings distributed around a central patio. It supplied electricity to the entire industrial complex. Red Klinker tiles are all along the external walls to the plants floor, while in the upper part of the thermal boiler room, the prevailing color is blue.

Lear more  http://www.ivreacittaindustriale.it/?lang=en



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