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Mountain potato of the Turin Province

The potatoes started to be planted in Italy beginning in the 19th century, especially in pre-mountain and mountain territories. Rich in carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins, folic acid and pantothenic acid, especially for mountain populations, potatoes were found to be a fundamental food resource. In the mountain territories of the Turin province, up to 1800 metres a.s.l., along with the Italian and foreign varieties recently introduced, local selections are still farmed, having precious organoleptic qualities that would be difficult to obtain in the intensive valleys farms, which are enhanced by the altitude. Three years of experimentation have also demonstrated that natural resistance to diseases grows as altitude increases, eliminating the need for phyto-pharmacological treatments.


Source: Paniere Dei ProdottiTipici Della Provincia Di Torino (Basket of the typical products of the province of Turin)



Association of Potato Mountain

 Potato of the Turin Province

c/o Scuola Malva Arnaldi

Via San Vincenzo, 48 - 10060 Bibiana (TO)

Tel. 0121 559459

E-mail: info@scuolamalva.it

President: Demonte Valeria

Via Sala, 41 - 10060 Cantalupa (TO)

Tel. 0121352002 - Cell. 3200236372

E-mail: demontevaleria@libero.it

Città di Ivrea - info.ivrea@turismotorino.org - Partita IVA 00519320014